Moore Property Management Services wants to work with you in making sure we can contact you if necessary and also assist you in securing your unit before you leave.

  • Contact our office if you need to change your mailing address and please provide us with your current phone number and email address should we need to contact you.
  • Always make sure you have turned off the water supply to your unit at the main valve.
  • After turning off the water to your unit, drain all water pipes by turning on the water at the faucet until no water comes out.
  • Pour bleach inside your toilet and cover the seat with plastic.
  • Set your air conditioner and humidistat according to the instructions.
  • Unplug or turn off the circuit breaker for the hot water heater.
  • Disconnect all cables that are connected to your television or stereo equipment.
  • If you are going to be gone for a long period of time, you might want to consider disconnecting your phone service.
  • Make certain all doors and windows are securely locked.
  • Manually lock automatic garage doors (if applicable).
  • Remove patio furniture, plants, or nick-knacks you have outside your unit or on your lanai and store inside your home, garage or storage unit.
  • Remove all perishable foods from your refrigerator and freezer. This does include emptying any ice cube trays and throwing away any pre-made ice cubes.
  • Remove all perishable items from your cupboards, and boxes of food that have been opened.
  • Cancel newspapers.
  • Forward your mail.
  • Be sure your alarm system is working and arm the system when you leave. Please remember to notify Moore Property Management that you have an alarm system.
  • Arrange to have someone check your unit on a regular basis. Please provide the name and phone number of your home watch service to Moore Property Management.
  • Tell your home watch person that if they turn on the water, to be sure to turn it back off before they leave.